Monday 3 December 2012

Geology Explained in the Peak District

F. Wolverson Cope (1998). Scarthin Books

This was the first Peak geology book I bought and I found it hard going when I first got into geology (before I started on my OU degree!), so we shall see if it makes more sense now!

Oh dear. After a somewhat superfluous set of introductory chapters this book ploughs on with descriptions of specific areas. It is written for someone with a degree in geology and lacks the idea of a specific itinary which is present in the other 3+ geology walk books available. It is also very old fashioned. Give it a miss.

1 Geology In The Field Field equipment - the Countryside Code - the Peak DistrictNational Park

2 Identifying Rocks, Minerals and Fossils Rocks - minerals - fossils

3 The Geological Time-scale

4 Geological Structure of the Peak District

5 The Valley of the River Wye: Buxton to Little Longstone The Carboniferous basement - the sequence east of Woo Dale - the massif fades

6 The Valley of the River Goyt Millstone Grit and Namurian - pre-Namurian denudation - the Goyt Syncline - Namurian cyclic sedimentation - contorted beds

7 Castleton, Edale and Mam Tor Reef limestones - caves of the Castleton district - the Speedwell Vent - fossils of the reef limestones - the use of goniatites - the Namurian of the Edale valley

8 Bradwell Dale and Eyam Bradwell Dale - Eyam - the Eyam and Woo Dale boreholes

9 Monsal Dale and Ashford-in-the-Water The Hobs House Coral Band - igneous rocks in Monsal Dale - the Ashford marble

10 Matlock, the Via Gellia, and Brassington The Grangemill vents - lead mining in the Peak District - dolomitisation of limestones - Tertiary pocket deposits

11 Ashover Dinantian rocks of Ashover - Namurian rocks of Ashover

12 The Valley of the River Dove Reef limestones of Thorpe Cloud and Bunster

13 Chrome Hill and Parkhouse Hill

14 The Valley of the River Manifold

15 The Roaches and Goldsitch Moss The Rough Rock of Quarnford and Goldsitch - Namurian successions in the Peak District

16 Kinder Scout The Mam Tor Beds - the Shale Grit - the Kinder Scout Grit

17 Economic Geology of the Peak District General and water supply - mining - quarrying

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